Thursday, March 22, 2018

Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles (DLC)

The last of three episodes of the Wolfenstein II DLC, the Freedom Chronicles season pass was recently released. I hadn't played the first two up to that point, so I decided it was time. Each episode, has the chronicles the adventures of a different American fighting against the Nazi invaders. Each of these characters has their own motives for taking up the fight, and they each have their own special skill.

The first character we meet is Gunslinger Joe, a sports star who would no longer participate in the fraudulent sporting events setup to make the Nazis look superior. He starts a fight on the field, ends up in jail, and begins his journey to becoming a resistance fighter. Joe's special ability is smashing through walls, which opens up new paths, and kills enemies on the other side.

The second character is Jessica Valiant, former agent and assassin, also known as Silent Death. She doing her duty, and getting revenge by taking down the three men responsible for the death of her beloved husband. Agent Silent Death sneaks around, and can slide through tiny vents in the walls, which can lead to sneaky assassinations.

The third character, is Captain Wilkins. He was on the run after the Nazi's atom-bombed Manhattan, but now that he's learned that General Schwartz is going to destroy a chunk of America with the deadliest weapon ever created, the Sun Gun. He's back, and ready to kill every damn Nazi in his way to stop this madman! He has special stilt boots which help him get over obstacles or rain death from above.

I've only played the first volume of each characters story so far, but they all have the same type of stealth, and shoot-em up action as the main game. Playing on the Xbox One X, the graphics look great at 4K, and the framerate seems like solid 60fps. I like the pulpy/comic book type of story each character has so far. 

The only down sides I would say are that the levels are re-used from the main game, and the level designs are all pretty linear (so far), but I did find that I had trouble sometimes figuring out where to go next. 

I originally got the DLC, and Wolfenstein II in one bundle, when it was on sale, so I feel like I got my money's worth. The season pass is currently priced at $25 on both Xbox, and Steam which I feel is fair for the enjoyment you should get out of this bundle.

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