Tuesday, December 27, 2016

DOOM (2016) Sweet Reverse Sleeve Art

A while back, March 2016, Id Software, developers of games like Wolfenstein, and Quake, asked fans what art they'd like in as an alternate to the main cover art for DOOM (2016).

As you can see above, there were two choices, and choice B, which I voted for, won. When I voted I thought I was voting for those gamers that still buy disc, (I typically buy digital only now) and I was happy to support their efforts to get the coolest box art possible.

When the game came out, I didn't end up buying it, because I have a huge backlog of games I have yet to complete, or even play, and I didn't have the money. Flash forward a few months to Christmas, and I end up getting a copy of the game as a gift. I was happy to finally get one of 2016's best games, so I open it up, take out the game inserts, and out of the corner of my eye I notice the alternate sleeve art.

I'd forgotten about this whole alternate art business, and now because of luck, I get to take advantage of Id's dedication to their fans. The moral of the story I guess is that sometimes helping others ends up helping you as well.

The alternate art, is a homage to the original DOOM (1993) game's box art:

And here is the original DOOM (2016) box art:

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